White teeth are part of the ideal smile, but what if you just have white spots on your teeth? This strange coloration may persist no matter how much you brush or how many OTC whitening products you try. In order to enjoy an even-toned smile, you should seek help from your cosmetic dentist near keller. They can help you discover why your teeth look like they do and recommend a treatment that will help your smile reach its full potential.
Why White Spots Happen
One common cause of white spots is a condition known as fluorosis, which occurs when a person ingests too much fluoride. This doesn’t mean you should avoid fluoride — it’s essential for keeping your enamel strong — but consulting with your dentist to keep a balanced view of this mineral is important. If you do end up with fluorosis, don’t worry about it too much; it’s a harmless condition.
Nutritional deficiencies, certain medications, prenatal smoking, and demineralization (loss of enamel, often due to poor oral hygiene) can also lead to these unsightly white spots
How Your Cosmetic Dentist Can Help
You and your dentist near Keller will discuss potential treatments to get rid of the white spots on your teeth. The right option for you will depend on how severe your case is. Your dentist may recommend one of the following:
- Professional teeth whitening near Keller. A dentist-supervised bleaching treatment, whether it happens in-office or via a take-home kit, can help to even out your teeth’s color.
- Porcelain veneers near Keller. These thin pieces of porcelain cover your teeth, thereby disguising all of their flaws, including those unsightly white spots. They are resistant to stains and can last for 15 years or longer.
- Cosmetic bonding. Like veneers, bonding also covers your smile’s flaws. Although it does not last as long as veneers, it is a fast and affordable way to put the confidence back in your smile.
Preventing White Spots
To stop white spots before they start (or to prevent your condition from becoming worse), it’s a good idea to be mindful of your fluoride intake. You should always use a fluoridated toothpaste, and it’s not bad to drink fluoridated tap water, but extra fluoride supplements may not be necessary for you. It’s also wise to supervise small children when they’re brushing so they don’t accidentally swallow their toothpaste and cause white spots on their teeth.
Of course, oral hygiene is always hugely important, but it’s especially so if you wear braces. It’s often difficult to clean the enamel underneath the brackets, which can cause demineralization and white spots. Strive to be as thorough as possible when brushing and flossing so you can protect your smile’s health and appearance.
Don’t let white spots on your teeth ruin your confidence! Your cosmetic dentist near Keller can answer all your questions about this condition and help you achieve a gorgeous grin that you can be proud to show off.
About the Dentist
Dr. Shweta Sinha is a general and cosmetic dentist who truly enjoys helping her patients achieve healthy, beautiful smiles. She offers several services that can treat white spots and would be pleased to help you makeover your teeth. Feel free to contact our office at 817-431-6400.